Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thoughts for Novermber 26-December 3

As promised, here is my fire poem...more thoughts on fire on later blogs....

Prayer Over the New Fire

Be for us…
A sacred fire…sanctifying us
A fire of compassion…warming us
A fire of forgiveness…healing us
A fire of purification…cleansing us
A fire of creativity…inspiring us
A fire of justice…summoning us
A fire of love…rekindling us
A fire of change…healing us
A fire of passion…empowering us
A fire of the Divine…illuminating us

O Fire of God, transform us
Burn away all hardness of heart,
Free, O set free the fire within us.
Break down the walls we have built.
Let your fire leap through our resistance
Over the walls of our hearts and out into a world
Yearning for transformation.

Happy begining of Advent. Be the light in the darkness.
Ms. Egan


Blogger kmorada07 said...

O Fire of God, transform us
Burn away all hardness of heart,
Free, O set free the fire within us.
Break down the walls we have built.
Let your fire leap through our resistance
Over the walls of our hearts and out into a world
Yearning for transformation.

I think this part of the poem really relates to me. I believe that for all the sins I have done God forgave me. He gave me a new clean palatte, so I can start brand new. Start over brand new, trying to not commit same mistakes as before. He gave me a new start so nothing can hinder me from the past; not the sins, not the walls, not the broken heartedness. With this new clean palatte he gave me, I believe that he is transforming me to be a better person than who I was yesterday. He has let go of all my fears from the past, so I am free. Free to be who he wants me to become.

4:22 PM  

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