Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thought for the Day

"We have the opportunity many times a day, everyday, to be the one who listens to others, curious rather than certain. But the greatest benefit of all is that listening moves us closer. when we listen with less judgment, we always develop better relationship with each other. It is not that differences that divide us. It's our judgments about each other that do. Curiosity and good listening bring us back together."
Margaret Wheatley, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future

Please make sure one of your blogs this week is a reflection on this statement. Have fun.

Ms. Egan


Blogger kmorada07 said...

I can honestly say that most of the time I do listen to the person who wants to talk to me, especially if i know that he/she is going through something. However, at the same time, when I am so distracted, I feel like sometimes I just listen just to say I listened. I do believe with monica was saying; listening to one's story, problems, idea, or whatever it may be will really better our relationship with one another. Our conversation with another is one of the times where it is not about ourselves but the other person we are talking to. This thought of the day reminds me of word JOY. JOY stands for JESUS first, then OTHERS, and finally but certainly not the least, OURSELVES.

11:28 AM  

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